Book an important source of getting knowledge, literary treasure: Fawad

ISLAMABAD, Dec 29 (APP):Minister for Information and Broadcasting Chaudhry Fawad Hussain Wednesday highlighted importance of developing book reading habit, saying it was a great source that took readers to scientific, literary and poetic treasure.

In a message on the launching of Book Study Programme titled “Tadabbur” here at the Information Service Academy (ISA), he said all societies attained progress in each and every sector by developing the habit of book reading.

Although, he said, with the advent of digital media, new trends were being adopted to get instant access to a trove of information through social media, but book was still a great source of knowledge.

Under the programme, Fawad said books on modern topics would be provided to the officers of the Information Ministry and media officers deployed in various embassies abroad.

He said as a nation we had to find a solution to socioeconomic problems being faced by the country. “Pakistan is our identity. We will have to strive for the development of the country in all walks of life.”

Earlier, speakers at the launching ceremony underlined the need for revival of book reading habit among the people as it contained knowledge whereas the digital media only provided information.

They said there was the need of inculcating the habit of book reading among the new generation at the primary level as this would not only help them in their educational pursuit but also lead them to an ocean of knowledge.

Former Secretary Information and Broadcasting, and now Chief Information Commissioner Muhammad Azam said it was a great initiative of the Minister for Information and Broadcasting to launch the book study programme.

He said with the advent of internet era, the habit of book reading had witnessed a decline and the initiative of “Tadabbur” was a great step to provide good collection of books to the officers of the Information Service Group.

The former secretary said that in the past 10 libraries were opened for children in various parts of the Capital with the cooperation of the UNICEF which proved a great contribution.

He said that now millions of books were available on the internet in pdf format and one could take advantage of their availability.

The Chief Information Commissioner cited an example of Ph D students’ visit to Amazon forest where they were asked to tell the names of the various plants but they could only name a few whereas when the red Indians living in that area were asked to tell their names they told names of almost all plants and even they knew many names for one plants.

Referring to the famous quote of Francis Bacon, he said that some books were to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.

He said that reading books was imperative for officers of MoIB as they had to perform duties in various ministries and had to learn about new technologies and trends.

He urged the parents to provide books to their children so that it becomes their habit with the passage of time.

Professor Najiba Arif of International Islamic University said that this was a good initiative to revive book reading habit among the new officers. She said that the list of 48 books available in the library.

Former minister Javed Jabbar in his video message said that one should make habit of reading 30 to 40 pages of a book every day. He said with Tadabbur, the capabilities of the information officer would increase.

Dr Huma Baqai through her video message said that books carried knowledge whereas the digital media provided only information.

Earlier in his welcome address Director General ISA Saeed Javed said that one reason for decline in book reading was high cost of the books.

He said that there was the need to abolish taxes on the printing corporations to ensure availability of books at available prices.